Happy New Year
everyone. We indulged our way through December, it was fun, but how do we now
get back on track with our weight and mood. Below are just a couple of starter
points to get you going
Weight management
I find that many clients who come to see me have hit a lull
with weightloss and can’t understand why. One aspect can be - the more alcohol,
or ‘fake food’ (sweeteners, white pasta, bread, sweets) we consume, the more
toxins our liver must process. The quickest and safest mechanism the body has
is to store these toxins in fat cells. Fat cells form a protective barrier
around a toxin so it can’t cause havoc to the system. It’s a bit like a prison guarding the trouble
maker till its safe to be let out. Trouble makers can’t stand cheery colourful
antioxidants that we get from plant food. Antioxidants neutralise their harmful
effects and remove them from the body. We are always told aim for your 5 a day.
Imperial college recently proved that we need 10-12 different portions a day
due to the amount of environmental factors we have impacting on our health. It
did go up for discussion to see if it was worth changing the guidelines but so
many of us cant achieve 5 a day it was thought this would be too overwhelming
to put this pressure on people.
Top liver supportive
Beetroot, onions, garlic, cruciferous vegetables ie cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower.
Your diet should resemble a rainbow! By consuming plant foods, especially liver supportive ones you are encouraging a fat cell to breakdown, therefore encouraging a healthy and safe weightloss plan:
Your diet should resemble a rainbow! By consuming plant foods, especially liver supportive ones you are encouraging a fat cell to breakdown, therefore encouraging a healthy and safe weightloss plan:
The feel good factor
Remember that chocolate box and mince pies that disappeared
when nobody was looking. You had one and before you knew what was going on, you
were rummaging through an empty box of wrappers thinking there must be a secret
compartment where all the chocolate went…
When we consume anything sugary it signals to our body to
create the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is like your best bud as they always
make you feel great, therefore, the more we have the more we want. Sounds like
a winning solution doesn’t it - eat sugar, feel great. However, the feeling is
very short-lived. When we have too much sugar our body panics and releases
insulin to bring the levels in our blood down. Insulin can often overcompensate
and take the blood sugar levels too low. When our blood sugar levels are low we
tend to hit something I call ‘the black box’. The black box is when your
negative emotions surface ie: anger, teary and frustration. This is also the
point where you get another craving for something sweet.
Tryptophan food
We can naturally boost or encourage serotonin by eating
foods that aren’t too rich in carbohydrates and therefore less likely to send
our blood sugar levels in a spin. These foods contain an amino acid called
tryptophan and perfect for weight management:
Egg, fish, turkey, chicken, hummus, nuts and seeds
Top supplements for
powder Lamberts- to heal the gut
lining. Alcohol and sugar can damage the integrity of the gut lining, this
stitches it back together. If you are putting new years resolutions in place such
as quitting smoking, glutamine is effective in curbing addictions.
Liv- D Biocare – to encourage
removal of toxins from the body for a healthy weightloss
D Biocare – encourages serotonin production. A lack of sunlight means a
lack of serotonin production.
Food – Patrick Holford – A lot of people struggle with January, this
can be taken as and when you need it to perk up all your happy hormones
Lifestyle choices
Deep tissue
massage - a massage stimulates the
lymphatic system to remove toxins from the body.
Walk before work –
the festive season can make our minds a little foggy. Walking stimulates the
circulatory system and therefore encourages microcirculation in the brain to
get you thinking all those groundbreaking ideas again.
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