Make raw juices and drink them as soon as you make them. When freshly made they
contain enzymes that aid digestion. Good options would be papaya and pineapple
which help support protein digestion.

Cut out refined foods such as anything white and fluffy (bread, cakes) and
pasta; they make you bloated as they are difficult to digest and are 'water
loving'. Too much 'water loving' means they can cause water retention and
weight gain around the stomach.
Chew your food to a pulp; digestive enzymes (amylase) are in your saliva and
are crucial to the initial part of your food digestion. Without this process
large food particles end up in the digestive tract producing by-products of
Have a handful of nuts; they contain the fat digestive enzyme lipase.
Stick to small portion sizes and eat every 3-4 hours; over eating and missing
meals disrupts insulin causing fat storage.
Exercise; go for a run and do crunches, it stimulates digestive flow to reduce
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