I have just had a
cataract op. Are there any supplements I can take to boost healing?
This will require healing of connective tissue and antioxidant
support that are rich within the eyes structure.
and vitamin
C to restore any structural damage and Reduced
Glutathione and Gingko
Biloba to support circulation and water balance within the eye.
Fruits and vegetables support pigmentation restoration and
general lens function.
Zinc and beta carotene encourages better eye
adjustment in dark conditions, reducing night blindness and supports better
absorption of vitamins and minerals by the body. Beta-carotene the precursor of
vitamin A, is an orange pigment that is found in sweet potatoes, cantaloupe and
There are two types of antioxidants known as ‘carotenoids;
lutein and zeaxanthin that have been shown to support eye health and reduce the
risk of developing eye problems:
Zeaxanthin can be
found in orange sweet peppers, broccoli, corn, lettuce (not iceberg), spinach,
tangerines, oranges and eggs.
Nonsurgical procedure
Following the supplements suggested above will still be
beneficial for eye health but this can be combined with:
Bright Eyes eyedrop treatment
In 2003 Richard and Judy had an ongoing study looking at NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine)
drops and the benefits to eye health which have been suggested by London
Eye Hospital. To see how successful this
study was for treatment you can follow the link to view the results.
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