As the weather gets a little bit cold and the days get
shorter, some people tend to find they just don’t have the same get up and go
as they do in the summer. Modern life does mean that we no-longer follow our
natural body clock of sleeping when it’s dark and waking when it is light.
Unfortunately, this situation is unavoidable for most of us, but there is help
at hand. Today we have a bit of advice on how to keep you bouncy and energetic
throughout the winter months.
Keep your protein balanced
You want to support your chemical messengers to keep them in
balance. Remember them a bit like the seven dwarfs that make up your

Adrenaline is like doc, your motivational
speaker to help you get everything done.
Dopamine is like bashful,
rewarding you by making you feel good about yourself
Noradrenaline is sneezy, the fight
and flight response giving you the power and strength to blow away anything and
anyone in your path.
Serotonin is like happy making you
Melatonin is your sleepy one that when
it gets dark makes you tired
Acetylcholine is similar to grumpy
in intelligence and mental alertness but without the moodiness
Examples of how to support your dwarfs for a healthy energy level
An amino acid called taurine can be added to the
diet from eating meat and seafood. Beneficial bacteria including the strain L.Rhamnosis
may support the release of GABA keeping you calm and focussed and support B
vitamin synthesis for energy
Serotonin and Melatonin
Amino acids 5-HTP (found in Griffonia simplicifolia)
and tryptophan (found in bananas, turkey and chicken) act as precursors to
these chemicals being produced.
Choline is the precursor to this chemical and
also it beneficial in the diet by aiding fat digestion, food sources would be
avocados, meat eggs and fish.
Is made from an amino acid call tyrosine which
can be found in bananas, this can be an option when you are feeling stressed
and burning yourself out
Having a healthy balancing effect on adrenaline and noradrenaline
Chemical messengers are made from amino acids which are the
building blocks of protein.
Foods that contain complete proteins (all
essential amino acids) are animal produce
Vegan diets; you just have to be a bit cleverer
about food choices as most vegan foods are not complete proteins, therefore
food combining is important. An example would be beans and sweetcorn in a meal.
There are a couple of vegan foods that are complete proteins which are your sea
greens such as algae and phytoplankton.
Now we have these in check what else can you do to support
Liquorice first thing in the morning gives your
energy levels a bit of a spike and may support a healthy balance in your energy
gland response
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a low
energy level, at a potent dosage of 1000iu per day may support mood and focus,
therefore it may be worthwhile having your levels checked.
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