Insect bites and stings
With many tropical summer holidays now planned, you may have got your holiday packing list planned, but have you remembered your rescue remedies? Below are some natural solutions to help repel mosquito's.
Lets not forget our British insects too, now pollination may finally be happening, there are some tips on how to do with those nasty stings from bees and wasps.
When going to a country that has a high incidence of malaria
it is crucial that you take anti-malaria medication. Alongside this you can
take 500mg of Vitamin B1 per day. B vitamins are water soluble and therefore comes through the pores making
you less appealing to mosquitos.
Dealing with the side effects of anti-malaria medication
Ginger If the
medication makes you feel a bit nauseous, eat ginger and drink ginger and
lemon tea which can help with the sickness.
Slippery Elm powder
and Aloe Vera taken at least 2 hours away from the medication may help
soothe your tummy and protect it from irritation caused by the medication.
Bee stings and
mosquito bites
Dealing with itchy bites and sore stings
Aloe vera juice
applied directly to the bite can help soothe and heal the area,

Quercetin and vitamin
C taken in the diet through eating berries and onions may help reduce the
itch/sting and inflammation. The bite or sting triggers a release of
histamine to the venom which causes the area to swell.
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