Fight The Flu
Millions of people are struck down by flu each year, with the virus usually at its peak between December and March. So this month we are focusing on keeping ourselves fighting fit and flu-free.
Fight February Flu
Symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, fatigue and vomiting can last days and sometimes weeks.
So we would like to share some cold and flu fighting, immune boosting tips with you this week.
2. Elderberry has been used for centuries to fight the common cold and flu with good reason. This powerful berry has been shown to improve the rapid recovery of the flu by 93% due to its protective properties against the virus attacking the mucous membranes.
4. Zinc has been shown to step up the immune response and reduce the replication of the virus thus shortening or possibly even preventing the signs of the virus. This is especially useful to be used if the flu jab is used to reduce possible symptoms.
5. Moderate exercise seems to be the best for immune health. A study has shown that people who are in better physical shape and get at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise on five or more days a week are not only much less likely to get a cold, but will also have milder symptoms than those who are less fit and don’t exercise much.
6. Horseradish, papaya and berries are all easy to digest when the appetite is low. The berries will help with rehydrating and repair damaged tissue. Whereas papaya and horseradish help with a stuffy nose and a congested head by breaking down the mucus.
Stay healthy
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