Beat the hangover...
We would like to share some ‘Pretox’ secrets to help you beat the hangover…so if you do get a little carried away you won’t feel so bad the next day.
Choose your evening meal wisely
Try to include beetroot and artichokes in your evening meal before you get merry as these foods encourage bile flow through the liver. This is almost a kick start to the liver function detoxifying the alcohol you are going to drink.
The hangover breakfast
Poached eggs, onions and beans contain an amino acid; cysteine and sulphur that support liver pathways and help breakdown a toxin called acetaldehyde which is produced by alcohol in the liver and is more toxic than alcohol itself!
Symptoms of high levels of this toxin are rosy cheeks, increased heart rate, sweating and feeling sick so make sure you have these items ready to cook in the morning.
Drinking alcohol switches off the Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH) causing you to produce more diluted urine when you are drinking. This causes you to feel dehydrated the following day as it upsets your potassium: sodium and calcium: magnesium levels; these are also known as your electrolytes.
Bicarbonate is not overly pleasant in taste but rebalances the electrolytes (potassium and sodium) so is often used as to help with hangovers.
Natural aspirin
Drinking causes an inflammatory reaction that can cause aches, headaches, nausea and dizziness.
Berries and mushrooms naturally contain Salycillic Acid which is a component of aspirin to reduce aches and pain by reducing inflammation.
Drink organic wine
If you choose to drink alcohol then organic wine is a better choice as this naturally contains antioxidants and fewer toxins than other alcoholic drinks.
Gentle Exercise
Although exercise may be the last thing that you want to do when you are not feeling your best, gentle exercise such as yoga or walking will help stimulate circulation, get your brain functioning and encourage the release of happy endorphins that tend to be low the morning after the night before, also known as the ‘alcohol blues’.
And for those of you who would like to enjoy a non-alcoholic drink this winter why not try to make our non-alcoholic mulled wine by checking out the recipe on our website.
We hope these tips have been useful, enjoy the festivities.
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