About Me

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Welcome to my blog, and thank you for stopping by. I hope you find it informative, and if there is anything I have missed or you would like me to talk about please drop me a line of suggestion. After seeing a nutritional therapist I decided from the improvement of my own health that I would like to be there in the same way for others, therefore, I studied two degrees; one in Nutritional Therapy and another in Bioscience Nutrition so that i could be equipped to support a number of health conditions. I now work for a supplement company on a clinical team supporting practitioners and keeping upto date with all new scientific information and provide private consultations too aswel as keeping my blog going :)


Thursday, 28 February 2013

Feel Good Friday

Feel Good Friday
Balance your blood sugar to keep you smiling
Binging on refined carbohydrates and big meals or leaving long breaks between eating can have a tendency to cause massive mood changes. This personality change is due to the disruption of insulin levels causing you to become tired, depressed and irritable. 

There are simple things you can do to stop these dips in your mood.

Eat little and often
Have portion sizes that are equal to your two fists together. This is a manageable portion size that should not cause too much of an impact on blood sugar levels. 

Include protein or fats with everything you eat
Adding protein such as beans and pulses and fats such as nuts and, seeds to meals and snacks helps to slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream. This in turn reduces sugar spikes and dips which helps to sustain energy and a positive mood. 

Energize with exercise
Gentle exercise like walking and swimming can help encourage the release of endorphins that keep you feeling cheery. If you can, the ideal time to exercise would be in the morning to set your mood for the day and also to support a healthy metabolism. 

Go nuts about nuts
NutsEssential fatty acids make up a large percentage of your brain's structure so try eating at least a few nuts each day to help support mind function. Studies show that those people who have essential fatty acid deficiencies feel happier when they increase their intake of omega 3 and omega 6! 

Make your own pathway to happiness
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein rich foods like turkey, dairy and cabbage. The beneficial amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine and glutamine assist in the production of happy hormones and dopamine, serotonin GABA help to make you feel good, smile, and feel less stressed. 

Chocolate really makes you happy! 
This really is music to our ears! Studies have shown that the cocoa bean contains phenethylamine (PEA). PEA is an alkaloid that has been shown to modulate brain hormones giving a person a balanced mood as well as aiding weight loss. Unfortunately this doesn’t mean you can eat chocolate all day. Try just having a square of dark chocolate each day. There are also sugar free versions if you are trying to trim your waistline post-Christmas. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Jacquis 6 week weightloss diary

Feel Good for 2013

Jacqui is an event manager who has approached me to support her in weightloss for the next 6 weeks to get her into her little number. Follow weekly to see how she gets along: 


Hello Everyone

Well it’s February and dare I say it eaten far too much of the naughty stuff over the last few months and piled all that wieght on. So as my belated New Year feel good about myself I have got together with my good friend Samantha Prior from Nutritionally Balance to do a healthy eating plan for the next 6 weeks to shift this extra weight.

So the plan is designing a good eating plan that I will enjoy and best of all stick to, looking at my blood sugar balance and identifying the times in the day when I get that dip and need a pick me up normally about 2.30-3pm. Yes you’ve got it that sugar fix of chocolate, cakes and biscuits and lastly but of high importance daily exercise, which as my close friend know i am not a big fan of.
Every week I will do a journal of the last 7 days, which will include my meals for the day plus snacks (healthy of course), my highs and lows which will no doubt be quite comical well not for my poor boyfriend.

So lets begin with my height at 5’2″ and my current weight 10.11lbs (don’t laugh I can see you smirking) at a dress size 16. Yes I’ve let myself go a little bit and now my goal weight is 9.10lbs and dress size 12 and girls lets be realistic when trying to drop a few dress sizes, don’t aim for a Kate Moss size 0 it will never happen and you will fail before you have even started.

So  Samantha who is a nutritional therapist as made me complete the forms for her to anaylze and see details of my medical history, lifestyle and eating habits”oh no” my secrets out also please don’t forget to consult your GP before starting a weight loss plan and exercise, this is really important. So now Samantha can plan an eating and exercise routine for the next 6 weeks.

So guys next week I will start my first week so follow me to see how I get on and if you want to join me then why not get in touch with Samantha for a consultation, it’s so easy just contact her on nutritionallybalanced.blogspot.co.uk and also twitter.com/Samanthaprior

Well that’s me for today, wish me luck on my journey of losing the bulge and getting a better healthier lifestyle. and don’t forget to follow me I will need a lot of encouragement. To keep track of my progress follow me on twitter and like my page on facebook.

Bye for now
Jacqui x

Oat Pancakes

Oat Pancakes

Oat Pancakes recipe with us. View all of our Low GL recipes from Nutritionally Balanced.

'Oat Pancakes' category image
Oat Pancakes
Serves 1
30g Porridge Oats
2 tbsp of Slippery Elm
4 chopped brazil nuts or almonds
2 tbsp of Bio yoghurt
1 tsp of Manuka Honey
1 tsp of Hazelnut oil
1 egg
60ml of coconut milk
Sprinkle of Cinnamon

1. Heat the nut oil in a frying pan until hot
2. Mix in a bowl the porridge oats with the slippery elm, coconut milk , egg and chopped nuts until it is like a thick paste
3. Pour the mixture into the pan to form a medium thick pancake
4. Put a lid on the frying pan to allow the top of the pancake to cook as well as the bottom
5. Leave to cook for about 5 minutes or until the mixture has cooked through
6. Serve with bio yoghurt, manuka honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Why we need Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) helps protect the body's cells against oxidative stress, supports immune function and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. Supplementation can help maintain levels of vitamin C.

'Vitamin C' category image

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) - What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C (also known as L-ascorbic acid or L-ascorbate) is water-soluble and is an essential nutrient produced in the cells of many animals but not humans and therefore is an essential vitamin to be included in the diet. In living creatures ascorbate (an ion of ascorbic acid) acts as an antioxidant by helping protect the body against oxidative stress. Ascorbate also contributes to many metabolic reactions in animals and plants.

Why do we need Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is required for the growth and healthy function of cells in the human body. In humans the requirement of vitamin C can vary greatly depending on diet, ability to absorb it, how active they are and external factors around them. One individual can require up to 10 times the amount of another person. In humans excess vitamin C is easily excreted from the body in the urine when it is not required.

Vitamin C Benefits | What are the Benefits of vitamin C?

Not having enough vitamin C can lead to vitamin C deficiency The benefits to getting enough Vitamin C are numerous, several of the main vitamin C benefits include:
It contributes to the protection of cell constituents from oxidative damage
It contributes towards collagen synthesis
It contributes to the normal function of bones, teeth, cartilage, gums, skin and blood vessels.
It contributing towards the normal function of the immune and nervous systems.
It helps to maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise.
It may also help protect DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative free radical damage.
Increases the absorption of non-haem iron by the body
Contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism
Read more about - vitamin C deficiency & vitamin C benefits

Vitamin C Sources – Vitamin C Foods & Vitamin C Supplements

The main methods for ingestion of vitamin C is through vitamin C food sources and beverages. In particular, there are many fruits and vegetables which are high sources of vitamin C. Dietary vitamin C supplements can support a healthy level of vitamin C.

Forms of Vitamin C Supplements

There are various vitamin C supplement forms in which Vitamin C can be ingested into the body. The main forms in which most people can ingest vitamin C is either through vitamin C powder, vitamin C capsules, vitamin C tablets, vitamin C liquid

Vitamin C Powder

BioCare Vitamin C powders are a high potency, low acid form of vitamin C provide in a convenient easy to use powder form. Ascorbic acid is combined with magnesium to naturally buffer the vitamin C and make it gentler on the stomach.
BioCare Vitamin C
Powder 60g
BioCare Mixed Ascorbates
Powder 100g
Vitamin C Powder
Mixed Ascorbates

Vitamin C Tablets

BioCare Vitamin C tablets provide high potency, low acidity vitamin C, together with added flavonoids in a single tablet. Ascorbic acid is combined with magnesium to naturally buffer the vitamin C and make it gentler on the stomach, then freeze dried to maintain freshness and stability.
BioCare Vitamin C 1000mg
60 Tabs
BioCare Vit-C-Plex
60 Tabs
Vitamin C 1000mg 60 Tabs
Vit-C-Plex 60 Tabs

Vitamin C Capsules

BioCare Vitamin C capsules provide high potency, low acidity vitamin C, together with added flavonoids in a single capsule, ideally for daily use.
Ascorbic acid is combined with magnesium to naturally buffer the vitamin C and make it gentler on the stomach then freeze dried to maintain freshness and stability. Bilberry contains proanthocyanidins that work synergistically with vitamin C.
BioCare Vitamin C 500mg
60 Caps
BioCare Vitamin C 500mg
180 Caps
Vitamin C 500mg 60 Caps
Vitamin C 500mg 180 Caps

Vitamin C Liquid

BioCare Vitasorb C is a liquid vitamin C preparation providing 30mg per daily intake in a simple hypoallergenic purified water base.
Vitasorb C is an ideal alternative to encapsulated products. It is suitable for children from birth and the elderly and can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) or added to water, fruit juice or milk.
Vitasorb C 15ml
Vitasorb C 15ml