The most common health concerns on holiday tend to be ‘traveller’s diarrhoea’ from infected water and food, cystitis, travel sickness, sunstroke and alcohol related fatigue.
‘Traveller’s Diarrhoea’
Within a healthy digestive system there are roughly 500 naturally occurring different species of micro-organisms present at one time. The microbiota of the gut ecology is in its billions and acts in a symbiotic relationship with the human digestive tract. The development of the flora seems to colonize during one’s infancy and studies suggest this is influenced by the mother transferring bacteria in a natural birth. However, the habitual environment of the parent and child only appears to be tolerable or resilient to certain dietary and pathogen inclusions.
The strains that govern the digestive tract can be depleted from a poor diet, impaired digestive system or many modern day lifestyle factors may cause an overwhelming influx of harmful pathogens that disrupt the gut ecology resulting in one’s sickness displayed by a change of bowel habit. The most common health concern for people on holiday tends to be ‘traveller’s diarrhoea’, which is commonly caused by the country’s local water supply or food being infected by a range of bacteria. Interestingly natives of the country seem unaffected by the same food and water sources suggesting that their microflora has built up an immune response against these particular harmful pathogens. When there are visits abroad, especially certain parts of Africa and Asia, it is advised to take a combination of plant oils such as oregano, garlic and clove alongside probiotic strains to aim at encouraging an anti-parasitic environment. Ideally supplementation of probiotics and plant oils would be encouraged for at least 5 days to a week before travel.
At least 40% of women will experience cystitis in their lifetime, men can also suffer from cystitis but the likelihood of infection is much lower. This urinary infection is reoccurring and can be caused by a bacteria that may be triggered by an increase of sexual activity on holiday. This infection can ruin holidays due to the limited wellbeing that a person can experience therefore it would be encouraged that a person takes a high strength probiotic to encourage a healthy vaginal flora, alongside an intake of mannose rich in cranberries to aim at supporting an environment that is less likely to cause the bacteria to thrive.
Travel Sickness
Travel sickness causes such discomfort and possible limitation to a holiday. Around 33% of people experience this and it can be triggered by all modes of transport, causing a disruption to the vestibular system. This disruption to fluid balance in the inner ears affects the eyes’ ability to focus on moving scenery. The confusion of fluid balance is suggested to cause the part of the brain that senses neurotoxins to induce dizziness, nausea and sickness as a defence mechanism. In this instance peppermint and ginger may aim at calming and relaxing the stomach valve, that allows food to transport into the small intestine. In addition an inclusion of vitamin B6 and magnesium may help settle nerves, support circulation in the vestibular system and aid maintenance to a healthy neurotransmitter response.
2. But there are a few tips you may find helpful to make your summer holiday a happy one.
· Keep hydrated and only drink bottled drinks that are sealed, tap water should be boiled and ice avoided to help prevent water borne illnesses in a country where sanitation is a concern.
· Flavour foods with servings of garlic, coriander, oregano, cloves and turmeric as they may make the digestive system less habitable for harmful pathogens.
· Eat plenty of antioxidant rich foods from an array of colourful vegetables to support the integrity of your skin and cell health. Make the plate as colourful as possible, but make sure that all foods are peeled and, if possible, boiled to aim at reducing food borne illness.
· Travel sickness sufferers may find drinking peppermint and ginger teas soothe the digestive system.
· In the case of sunburn and after sun exposure use aloe vera and a vitamin E cream to soothe the skin.
· Applying topically vitamin A and zinc drops to the skin to support healthy skin. The vitamin A may also be applied to cuts and grazes to encourage repair of the tissue.
3.Key products to take with you:
Polyzyme Forte®
Peeling/boiling vegetables and fruit that are eaten on holiday may lose some of their natural digestive enzymes, making the digestive system sluggish. Digestive enzymes contained with Polyzyme Forte® may assist the proper digestion of foods.
MicroCell NutriGuard® Plus
A good antioxidant containing vitamin A, C, E and zinc, this product can be used to support skin integrity as the sun’s ultraviolet rays may produce cell damage (it will not prevent sun burn).
TravelGuard® provides a potent combination of LAB4 probiotics and plant oils, encapsulated using our unique DuoCap® technology and is an ideal choice for travellers to support intestinal health on the move.
The combination of ginger with probiotic strains may help support and settle the digestive system whilst travelling.
HepaGuard Forte® and B Complex
Alcohol may affect blood sugar levels, deplete the body’s B vitamin status and cause added toxicity load on the body. Therefore, additional liver support from nutrients such as choline, inositol and methionine contained in HepaGuard Forte®, may support the detoxification process, and B vitamins are required for normal energy metabolism.
Cranberry Plus
To support urinary tract health, Cranberry Plus contains cranberry concentrate in a sugar free form with probiotic bacteria that can be taken on a daily basis with water. Cranberries and fresh cranberry juice have long been employed as a natural means of supporting the health of the urinary system. Lactobacillus acidophilus is added to help to support a healthy immune system.
4.Encourage the use of any creams containing vitamin A, E and zinc as these are supportive to skin integrity. Offer a gift set put together containing aloe vera to treat sunburn, a natural omega- 3 lip gloss and the easy-to-transport TravelGuard® pack. Additionally you could encourage people to try the Nutrisorb® range of vitamin A and zinc which fits easily into a handbag and can be applied topically for skin repair to wounds and to soothe sunburn.